& The Seven Dwarfs
Favorite Fairy Tale - Snow White
Academy, New Orleans - Locally Grown Theatre, Cottage Grove MIN
Teachers, our School Play Snow White is just what you are looking for! Written for a large cast of kids! With simple staging, easy dialogue our fun-filled adaptation is sure to be a big hit for you, your students and your school!
Cast Script for Kids to Perform!
Academy, New Orleans, Renee Barras Director
for Kids to Learn, Perform and Enjoy
Perth Youth Theatre, Craigie, Australia
"Join us as we bring to life the enchanting tale of the beautiful, gentle Snow White and her jealous stepmother, the Queen. Sent on a perilous journey into the woods, Snow White befriends the forest animals and the delightful seven dwarfs in this classic tale adapted by Kathryn Schultz Miller."
Maricopa Children's Theatre, AZ
Kids Loved the Script!"
Children's Theatre, ON - Greenbrier
Valley Theatre, WV
"The enchanting tale of the beautiful, gentle Snow White"
Ursuline Academy, New Orleans - The Arts Project of Orange County, San Clemente CATricked into taking a bite of the poisoned apple, the lovely princess sleeps until Prince Charming awakens her with "love's first kiss".
Wonderful Experience!"
Children's Theatre, 2 Snow Whites - Forest Animals, Perth Youth Theatre
is a breeze to direct. It was the BEST!"
Perth Youth Theatre, Craigie
Australia - Sage
Ridge School Theatre, Reno NV
"Thank you for writing this amazing play, Snow White! It was a lot of fun to direct. The daycare center I work for had a blast!"
Cody Bylsma, Club 4 Kids, Inc., Panama City, FL
Fun for Your School's Students!
Snow White,
Greenbrier Valley Theatre, WV
and Easy for Kids to Memorize
Locally Grown Theatre, Cottage
Grove MIN -
Newington Children's Theatre Company, CT
Adapted for Young Performers: Speeches and vocabulary are appropriate for child performers ages 6 - 12. Simple dialogue, easy for kids to memorize! No long lines for kids to learn!
A Flexible Cast of 30 Students: (Doubling and extras possible.) Every role has at least three spoken lines!
Large parts are divided so that no one child becomes the "star".
About 30-40 minutes long: Long enough to be a substantial project and short enough to accommodate your teaching schedule.
to Adapt to Your School's Needs
Perth Youth
Theatre, AU - Solano Youth Theatre, Fairfield, CA
Gets in the Act
on Your Stage
Twosome, Witch, Dwarfs - Ursuline Academy, New Orleans
"Snow White even included audience interaction, much to the delight of the students in attendance."
Ursuline Academy, New Orleans, Renee Barras Director
for Grades 1 and Up
Snow White, Perth Youth
Theatre, Craigie, Australia - Locally Grown Theatre, Cottage Grove MIN
"Fifty first through fourth graders performed Snow White."
Sage Ridge School Theatre, Reno NV"Ursuline students, presented Snow White to a packed auditorium! The lively performance showcased bright costumes and wonderful performances!"
Ursuline Academy, New Orleans
Was Wonderful!"
Perth Youth Theatre, Craigie,
Australia - Locally
Grown Theatre, Cottage Grove MIN
Music Resources: Karaoke
CDs & Sheet
to search Internet for karaoke cds or sheet music
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Who's producing Snow White? Click for Productions
Free Resources: In the News, Behind the Scenes, Classroom Activities
ArtReach's 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' brings the Storybook Classic to Life with Comedy and Drama. Teachers, Snow White is written just for you and your students. It is a faithful telling of the beloved fairy tale with audience partcipation and roles for every child in your cast! This School Play Snow White requires no experience in theatre. It is written in simple terms with practical suggestions for new directors and teachers. Suggestions on how to use simple percussion instruments (raid the music room!) to enhance the performance. The School Play Package gives you the rights to adapt the script to your school's needs. Add songs, dances, characters! You also have the rights to make a DVD/Video of your special performance! Open staging! Your gymnasium, cafeteria or any other large room is perfect for a staging of Snow White. Easy costumes and scenery: Many suggestions on how to create or find what you need to make a great looking production without breaking the bank! Snow White has lots of humor, fun and helpful directing tips. Also, there are suggestions on how to adjust cast size.
"Last year we purchased and performed Snow White. It was a huge success!"
Nicole Oberdick
"The kids loved the script because it was fun and easy to memorize!"
Cody Bylsma, Club 4 Kids, Inc., Panama City, FL
"What an incredible run of Snow White! We really had a wonderful experience!"
Columbia Children's Theatre, MA
"We had our play Snow White Tuesday night. It was wonderful!"
Linda Hanson, Teacher
"My cast for Snow White this year was 30 students and we had a crowd of more than 150. It was the BEST!!"
Karen McCafferty, R.D. Wood Elementary School, Millville, NJ
"Fifty first through fourth graders from Lincoln Akerman Elementary School may surprise the audience on Friday when they perform a non-traditional version of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" where trees turn into birds, spirits appear, and of course Snow White, the Queen, and those seven short guys make an appearance."
Hampton Falls Community News