Children's Theatre Plays
Great Play Scripts & Musicals for Kids!



One Act Play for Schools and Theatres

Script Sample

Small Cast (Touring) Version

Running Time: About 45-50 minutes
Flexible cast of 3, 2 Male, 1 Female
Easily adapted for larger cast

A man of many disguises
Also plays Beggar, Jester

Robin Hood's Companion
Also plays Guard, Sheriff of Nottingham,
Prince John, King disguised as Monk  

Robin's Beloved
Also plays Friar Tuck


Medium Cast Version

Running Time: About 40-45 minutes
Flexible cast of 8, 7 Male, 1 Female
Easily adapted for larger/smaller cast.

Robin's Beloved

Prince John's Guard to the Castle

A man of many disguises:  Beggar, Jester

Robin Hood's Companion

Marian's Father

Friend of the Merry Men

Brother to the Rightful King Richard

Disguised as Monk

Honor and Glory in a One Act Play!
One Act Play for Children - Robin Hood Plays for Kids - Robin Hood
Robin proposes to Maid Marian, King Richard is Restored to Throne!
Gaslight Theatre Company, Wilkes-Barre, PA


ROBIN, desguised as a beggar and then a jester, confronts PRINCE JOHN at the royal archery tournament.

(We hear fanfare and FRIAR carries a large piece of cloth before the PRINCE'S entrance.  When the PRINCE is seated, FRIAR removes the cloth with a flourish and reveals the PRINCE seated in grandeur.  The cue ends with the sound of a crowd cheering.  PRINCE stands and gives a weary wave to the peons.  FRIAR stands at his side, clapping delightedly.)

FRIAR:  The crowd loves you, your majesty!

PRINCE:  Yes, yes.  They must have something to fill their dreary little days. 

FRIAR:  They worship the ground you walk on.

PRINCE:  (Looks at his feet.)  The ground, yes, lovely ground where I have walked.

FRIAR:  You see the throngs basking in the glow of your presence?  Why just look at these loyal subjects down here in the front row.  (To audience/children, whispering: ) Wave, wave!  Make him think you love him!  All together now: Long Live Prince John!

AUDIENCE:  Long Live Prince John!

PRINCE:  (Vaguely delighted.)  Ah! Ha!  Yes, very nice.  (Pats his hands in approval.) 

FRIAR:  And see all these royal subjects over here.  (To audience, coaching.)  Long live Prince John!

AUDIENCE:  Long live Prince John!

PRINCE:  Ha!  Scruffy bunch, but quite delightful, yes.  Just look at them... basking in my presence.

FRIAR:  There are also many lovely ladies, your majesty.  All of them just pining away to give you their hand in marriage.

PRINCE:  Are they brunettes?  I only like brunettes.

FRIAR:  Lots of brunettes, sire.

PRINCE:  Because blond hair, well, its just garish don't you think?  I like things to be tasteful.  But what is this you say about marriage?  It's already been decided!  I want to marry Maid Marian and that is that.

FRIAR:  But your highness, if I may be so bold...

PRINCE:  You may not be bold!  Tell me in my ear.  (FRIAR whispers in ear.)  Not want to marry me!  Maid Marian doesn't want to marry me?  Well, it's poppycock I say, apple sauce and horse fooey!  What maiden would refuse to marry ME!

FRIAR:  None your highness.

PRINCE:  (Settling.)  Well all right then.

FRIAR:  Every beautiful maiden in Nottingham wants to marry you.

PRINCE:  Now you see?  Now of course you make some sense.

FRIAR:  Except...

PRINCE:  Except??  (FRIAR tells him in his ear.)  MAID MARIAN!!   It's because of that Robin Hoodlum isn't it?  First he robs me of my forest!  It was all nicely stocked, full of caribou and water fowl.  Hunted down by all these dreadful merry men.  He's robbed my carriage thirty times, every golden bauble every guilded doo-dad... gone I tell you!  (Near tears.)  And I so love my baubles and doo-dads.  

(FRIAR lets him cry in his arms, sees ROBIN over the PRINCE'S shoulder.  He creeps close to them, robbing the gold trinkets from the throne, finding money bags behind it.  FRIAR picks the PRINCE'S pocket and hands coins to ROBIN.  ROBIN lifts the PRINCE's robe to find money bags at his feet.  All the while the PRINCE is crying in FRIAR'S arms, babbling away.)

He took my golden challis.  Yes.  It was made of gold.  And he took my pinkie toe ring I'm not sure how he did that I just woke up one day and there it was my naked pinkie toe.  Once it was my fork!  Yes, my fork.  I was eating melon, a very nice melon none of these over-ripe fiascoes you see at market...  And now it's Maid Marian!!  I tell you Friar Tuck, it's enough to make a grown man cryyyyyyyy...

(At last ROBIN cuts the gold chain around PRINCE's neck and goes for the crown.  PRINCE stops and looks up as the crown hovers above his head.  ROBIN looks at FRIAR, FRIAR shakes his head no, that's going to far.  ROBIN replaces the crown, PRINCE goes back to crying.  ROBIN drops a noisy bag of money.  PRINCE stops to look, ROBIN hides behind him, peek-a-boo business here.  At last PRINCE sees ROBIN but he has covered his face with the BEGGAR'S robe.)

ROBIN:  Alms?  Alms for the poor?

PRINCE:  Guards!  Seize this pathetic flea bag at once.  Guard!

(GUARD enters, sees ROBIN as BEGGAR.)

GUARD:  What is your pleasure, Excellency?

PRINCE:  Please remove this... this foul thing. 

GUARD:  (to ROBIN)  You again!

PRINCE:  Throw him out on his skinny little duff. 

GUARD:  I'll be happy to!

PRINCE:  Eye sores.  Eye sores everywhere.  It takes a Prince to bear it.

(GUARD throws ROBIN out, they exit.  MUSIC CUE:  Fanfare, the contest is about to begin.)

Ah!  Yes!  Entertainment for heaven sake it's about time.  Now Friar Tuck I must tell you of my brilliant plan!  It's quite diabolical and top secret . So I want you to keep it under your hat.

(Sees FRIAR is bald and quite hatless.)

Yes, well, do what you can.  Take a look that way.  Do see in the bushes?  And that way just beyond the ridge? 

FRIAR:  The King's men.

PRINCE:  The King's men?!  Of course they are not the King's men, they are my men!  They owe their allegiance to me!

FRIAR:  Of course your majesty, slip of the tongue.

PRINCE: Now I want you to keep an eye peeled for that Robin scoundrel.  The minute you see him, whisper in my ear, and I'll give my men the signal.  They'll bag him in seconds!  Oh it's genius, genius!   Robin Hood won't be able to resist an archery contest!  Certainly not when the prize is a Golden Arrow.  Um, by the way, where is my Golden Arrow?

(FRIAR looks around.  ROBIN has all ready stolen it.)

FRIAR:  (Stage whisper.)  Psst!  Robin!  The Golden Arrow!  We can't have a contest without the arrow!

(ROBIN hands it off, just his arm and the arrow showing behind the backdrop.  FRIAR puts it on pillow and brings it ceremoniously to PRINCE.)

PRINCE: Lovely, lovely!  And keep this handy.  (Hands FRIAR an over-sized butterfly net.)  Who knows which way this Robin will fly?  Get it?  Robin, fly?  (Delighted.)  Oh, I made a joke!  Trumpets please!

(ROBIN steps out from behind the banner dressed as a Jester, with a trumpet to his lips.)

FRIAR:  Robin!

(ROBIN plays the horn, making a comic mess of it.  He may just use his voice to do the fanfare:  Doo-doo-dit-dee-do!)

PRINCE:  Do you call that playing a trumpet?  Don't make me laugh.

ROBIN:  But your majesty, I came here to make you laugh!  (Does a merry jig.)

Yes sir, yes sir
I'm a jester.
I tell my jokes 
For all the rester.
Laugh like monkeys.
Smile like clowns. 
Laughter makes the 
World go 'round! 

(ROBIN does somersaults, juggles, a magic trick such as pulling a coin from the PRINCE'S ear. Ad-libs encouraged.  Riddles below can be presented to audience to answer.)  

Riddle me once!  Why did the jester laugh up his sleeve?
That's where his funny bone is. 

Riddle me twice!  Why do dragons sleep during the day?
So they can fight knights! 

Riddle me thrice!  What do you call a knight caught in a windstorm?
A nightingale. (knight in gale)

(PRINCE eventually laughs in spite of himself.)

PRINCE:  Hoo-hoo.  Mildly amusing.  I'll let you live.   Friar Tuck, introduce the champions! 

FRIAR:  Champions?

PRINCE:  It does not warrant repeating. 

FRIAR:  You mean archers, men with bows and arrows?

PRINCE:  Female archers are permitted, this isn't the middle ages you know.

FRIAR:  Actually it is...


Note: This is a sample from the actual script.  To review the entire play, order the PERUSAL SCRIPT (online instant download).


ArtReach Children's Theatre Plays
Great Play Scripts & Musicals for Kids!